71 MANC - 10 YEARS (The first)

£25.00 - £40.00
On sale
71 MANC - 10 YEARS (The first)

Well well well… So this is the 10th year of me stepping out and designing my 71 MANC collection of work. There’s been an awful lot of change in that time, even the name got a tweak but the heart and soul remains the same. From the designs I first made for clothes that went down very well right through to designing bespoke work for many many people and album artwork for bands. But what lies at the heart of this 71 MANC collection is a tribute, a tribute to the life I’ve lead in the city I love. MANCHESTER has given so much to the world and it’s a privilege for me to have experienced so much and be able to make my own tribute art based on my experiences that I know the people of Manchester and surrounding towns also feel a deep connection with. It’s a bit spiritual at times without being too soppy, to see people’s reactions first hand at my events and the emotions my work can stir up. I love this bit more than you’ll ever know.

So to mark this anniversary I’m launching a collage print that will be available to buy on my website and on my events.